Worm Composting Resources and Video
Learn to compost with worms. Our How to Compost with Worms video goes over selecting a container, starting a worm bin, caring and troubleshooting.
We like our red worms that compost for us at the Garden Classroom. Here are some resources for you to learn and teach about red worms.
Vermicomposting Q and A and Resources from CalRecycle
Let Worms Make Your Compost instructions on vermicomposting and large wooden bin design.
See other types of worm bins
Composting Sifting Lesson Video Taught at Westlake Elementary School
Our Worms Signs are a nice addition to your garden Life Lab's Ultimate School Composting Website shares examples or school and district wide composting as well as lists resources.
County of Santa Cruz Composting page includes many vermicomposting resources