Life Lab

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Farm and Garden Jokes


Knock, Knock...

Have a joke or riddle of your own? Share it in the comments below.

  • What did the doctor remove from her salad? Kidney beans!

  • Why do worms act so frightened? They have no backbone.

  • What is an ant? A hard-working bug that still finds time to go to lots of picnics.

  • Why do you have to be careful about telling a secret in a cornfield? Because the corn have ears.

  • How do you make a pineapple turnover? Try tickling its stomach.

  • What most looks like half of a watermelon? The other half.

  • Why does a farmer have to wear dark sunglasses? Because she grows sunflowers.

  • Why are fruits so polite? They always remember to say “Thank you ‘berry’ much!”

  • What could be called “nature’s pincushion”? A cactus.

  • Why was the tomato blushing? Because it saw the salad dressing.

  • What fruit is not afraid to take a swim? A watermelon.

  • How do you make friends with a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut.

  • What tree is like a pet? A dogwood.

  • Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Berry! Berry who? Berry nice to meet you!

  • What do you call a shoe made from a banana? A slipper.

  • What did the apple tree say to the farmer? Stop picking on me!

  • What kind of vegetable likes to look at animals? A zoo-chini!

  • What is a zucchini's favorite game? Squash!

  • What's the coolest vegetable? A rad-ish!

  • What do vegetables wish for, more than anything else in the whole world? Peas (peace) on earth!

  • Why do vegetables want that so much? Because it will give them peas (piece) of mind!

  • What's a dancer's favorite kind of vegetable? Spin-ach!

  • What's the most uncomfortable kind of vegetable? Spin-ouch!

  • Why do cabbages win at races? Because they know how to get a-head!

  • What is a taxi driver's favorite kind of vegetable? A Cab-bage!

  • What does corn say when it feels embarrassed? "Aw, shucks!"

  • What is a chicken's favorite kind of vegetable? An egg-plant!

  • What is a kayaker's favorite kind of lettuce? Row-maine!

  • What did the salad greens say to the hungry kid? We'll make your mouth and your tummy happy, if you lettuce (let us)!

  • How did the new gardeners learn gardening? By trowel and error!

  • What was the name of the gardener's favorite TV show?  Lawn and Order!

  • How do trees access the internet? They log on!

  • Why did the carrot get embarrassed? Because it saw a chick-pea!

  • Why do gardeners plant bulbs? So that the worms can see where they are going!

  • What vegetables are a sailors nightmare? Leeks!

  • What do you call a cheerleading herb? An encourage mint!

 Jokes contributed by our staff and adapted from Ready, Set, Grow! A Kid’s Guide to Gardening by Rebecca SpohnAnd find more at the Wisconsin School Garden Network's Joke of the Month Page.  and here is another big list found via a google search.